Sunday, 22 April 2018


Luchiano’s Term 1 Reading Learning Story
How do we make meaning from the texts we read using a range of reading strategies?
I chose this Library book to read at
silent reading time because it looked cool.

I located information in the story that told me the boy is facing a monster that
is made out of rock.
I located this information where the book showed me it.
I worked out that the beast used to be in the rocks.  
I used the clues that the beast was stomping and the pictures showed me it
stomping its way to the boy.  I saw him coming out of the cracks.
I found out that an important idea in the story is the boy found the monster
and the monster was about to destroy the people and the city.  
I used what I know about Zac Power and ideas from the story about Boy Vs
Beast to work out because nobody knows where he lives and what his name is.   
I liked reading this book because it interested me and it felt like when I was 6
in room 5 reading the Zac Power books.  


Luchiano’s Art Learning Story

The problem:
How do I communicate what Bothamley Park is like using the style of Colin Mc.Cahon?

What we did:
We draw a pitcher of bothamley price wife sketching pens owl. Then we had a Practice. Then painted.
We used paint brushes with water then we painted and we  coloured.

Here is a photo of my art:

Success Criteria:  To represent the environment I saw at Bothamley Park , I will use-
  • The media (materials) of watercolours on paper
  • Have an eye like a scientist
  • A range of geometric shapes and lines
  • Repeated shapes and patterns
  • Representations of bothamley park
(highlight the success criteria you achieved)

My Learning:  (Choose 2 to write about)
  • I was good ….. Because….
  • I got better at ….. because…..
  • It is hard to ….. because…..
  • I feel ….. when….. because…..
  • My next steps are ….. because…..
  • I am going to achieve my next steps by focussing….. Because…..
  • I used the key competency of ________ as learning power because…..
  • I needed to use the key competency of _______ as learning power because....
  • ________ thinks I am good at ….. because…..

I was good at Representing bothamley park Because Remind me of
Colin McCahon.

I Got better  at keeping an eye on a  scientist because focus on my

I am going to achieve my  next step by getting better at painting and
not keep my eye on a scientist because I need to focus having a eye
on Colin McCahon.

Bothamley Park

Bothamley Park Learning story

How can we look after and support our local park?
How can I use my ‘voice’ to make a difference?

My Learning:
I noticed that there was a lot of rubbish in the stream.

I found out that the fish are cold blooded because when we touch the fish, straight away we burn the fish.

I think that if I was the stream I will feel so sad and sick from the rubbish that is on me.

Now I will pick up the rubbish when I see it.


Writing Poetry

Luchiano’s Poetry Writing Learning story

The Problem:  
How do I express my ideas in a poem that communicates effectively to my audience?  

My poem:  (copy and paste your poem here)
Clever like a scientist.
She is smarter than a chromebook.
Kind as a cat

Success criteria: (highlight the success criteria your writing shows)
I can use-
  • Line breaks-writing in shorter lines to slow the reader down
  • Rhythm-makes the reader tap their foot
  • Simile-comparing using ‘like’ or ‘as’
  • Metaphor-saying that one thing is something else
  • Personification-giving human traits to something that is not human
  • Imagery-helping the reader form a picture in their mind
  • Alliteration-using the same sound at the beginning of neighbouring words
  • Repetition-repeating something

My Learning:  (Choose 3 to write about)

  • I was good at similes because I said Rina was clever as a scientist.
  • It is hard to make good images in my readers minds because it is hard to phrase it.
  • My next steps are using repetition to make my poems better.

Writing a Recount

Luchiano’s Recount Writing Learning story

The Problem:  
How do I retell a significant event so others can share my experience?

My recount:  (copy and paste your recount here)
“This will be fun to go to Bothamley Park.” I said to my
very best friend Israel.On Wednesday at Bothamley
Park, our school did art.

After we did spray paint. After we had morning tea.
After the others came back we caught insects and we
got a Banded Kokopu.  Then we headed back to school. It hurt my legs but we got there.

Then we had lunch and after I went home.

Success criteria: (highlight the success criteria your writing shows)
I can use-
  • A powerful hook to get the reader’s attention
  • Where, when and who in the introduction to set the scene
  • An introduction- middle- conclusion
  • The 5 W’s (where, when, why, who,  what, and why) and 1 H (how) to add detail
  • Dialogue to tell what happened
  • The past tense
  • Descriptive words to make the writing interesting
  • Precise words to let the reader know what exactly happened.
  • Connectives to make the  story flow from one group of ideas to another.
  • Punctuation to help the reader understand the ideas
  • Personal voice like I think….

My Learning:  (Choose 3 to write about)

  • I am getting better at adding a powerful hook, because I just learnt how to do it.
  • I am good at having lots of thoughts. I can think of an idea and type it up.
  • I need to get better at getting more ideas down.   I don’t want to get slowed down by getting confused and x-ing off
  • parts I’ve forgotten.

Measurement in Maths

Luchiano’s Maths learning Story
The Maths problem:  
Clayton thought that this shape would make an interesting garden.  What is the perimeter of this
garden? What is the area?

The story of the Maths problem: (use your own words)
To find out how big is the garden.

What we were trying to find out:
To find out how long is the garden.  How big is it. How big is the perimeter in the garden.

How we solved the problem:
First I drawed 1 and 5 , 2 and 2, 4 and 4, 2 and 5, and 6 meters.

Then I counted 5, 5, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2 and I found out that altogether it made 20.

Working as a group is important:  Choose 2 to write about
I am good at maths because when I’m away from my friends, I check in with my learning
team about if it’s gonna be right or not.
It’s hard for me to do maths because I like talking to my friends all the time.